
Crill, Tridle, Ulrey, Frantz, Garst, Zug printout dated 20 Aug 1997

Lorraine Frantz Edwards wrote the following message on a Christmas card, and sent with a flyer and newsletter, dated 28 Nov 1997.

Dear Pauline and Robert,

THANK YOU for the information. I meant to write sooner expressing my appreciation. Just got busy! (Know how that is?)

As thankful as I am for the information, I’m also sad that you paid $2.39 postage and sent all that information back. I didn’t need it because I have all the information in my computer. I intended for you to keep it because you (or others in your family) might like all the ancestor information (and sources). I just needed “additions and corrections.”

Belated “Happy Birthday” to Pauline, and “Happy Anniversary” to both of you!