Lorraine Frantz Edwards miscellaneous research notes


Migration patterns, Old German Baptist Brethren ~~ MUST READ; very valuable sources!!

Lorraine’s miscellaneous research notes

Miscellaneous research notes

More miscellaneous notes

Coordinating details approximately year 2000

Seminar on 6 Mar 1993, Claremont, California regarding German Genealogical Research

Ephrata John Landis

Frantz house

Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History

Why Our Forefathers Left Europe by David B. Kaufman

Palatine Emigrants to America From the Principality of Nassau-Dillenburg

Pietism in the Palatinate

Early Life of the Pennsylvania Germans by A. Monroe Aurand, Jr., 1946

The Pennsylvania Germans edited by Ralph Wood

The Pennsylvania Germans by George F. Baer

History of Harleysville and Lower Salford Township by James Y. Heckler

Suggested sources

Newspaper Obituaries rich source of information


Writings of Willard Z. Francis  ~~ This one merits special attentionThe Brethren written by Willard Z. Francis

Genealogical Record of Rev. Hans Herr and his direct lineal descendants

Letter to Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society dated 9 Jun 1986

Elizabeth Frantz married Abraham Gish

Anabaptist World, book by Donald B Kraybill and C. Nelson Hostetter

Turmoil in Conestoga by Jane Evans Best.  (Lorraine Frantz Edwards read the article in Lancaster Mennonite Heritage, January 1993, but no longer has the publication. But it was a memo among many research notes and merits documentation.)

Family of Asa Martin Baker book by Anna Baker Stewart (Lorraine was interested in the Ream surname)

Heads of families, Virginia, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio

Pennsylvania German naming traditions, and nicknames

Ship’s list


Samuel Harnish

Greenawalt of Lebanon

Palatines to America subscriber information

Chip Wise research suggestions

German digest great source for ancestry

Class system in Germany before WWI


Library call numbers across the United States

Researching these families

Puzzle pieces team work